Sunday, June 17, 2012

#55 Interview

Hey guys. Happy Father's Day! Today is a special day because I got to interview one of the greatest people i know and my all time favorite baking partner, my cousin Marina. She is 21 years old and a cupcake baking queen. Today she came over to bake cupcakes with me for my brother's class while I interviewed her. Enjoy :)

  1. How long have you been baking?
Seriously, about 4 years, but I have been baking with my mom ever since I was little.

  1. What is your favorite part of baking?
I love being able to come up with new flavors and see the delight on people’s faces when they bite into it. It is the ultimate joy to see someone else fall in love with something you created. That’s my favorite part.

  1. What is your favorite type of cake to make?
Honestly, a simple vanilla cake. It is always yummy and it is perfect for any occasion. It’s also great because then I am free to decorate as crazy or modest as I please.

  1. How often are you asked to make cupcakes?
All the time! For special occasions, holidays, birthdays, you name it. People are always asking me to make them cupcakes for their friends or loved ones and I love it!

  1. What is the craziest type of cupcake you’ve made?
A friend asked me to make colorful cupcakes for her sister’s birthday party and decorate them full of candy. I made the cake batter rainbow colored and filled it with Skittles. I also made the frosting rainbow colored. Then I decorated the cakes with Starburst, gummy worms, shockers, and nerds. It was a huge sugar high and it was so much fun.

  1. What is your personal favorite cupcake flavor?
My favorite flavor would have to be a chocolate cupcake with a vanilla frosting and bacon bits. I love bacon. Any chance I get to use or eat bacon, I do!

  1. Where do you see yourself in the future, as far as baking goes?
More than anything, I would love to have my own shop. Baking is my passion and I know everyday will be more enjoyable than it is work. So absolutely I would see myself having my own shop and being Cupcake Wars champion.

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