Sunday, May 27, 2012

#44 Review

Ever seen those mini cupcakes inside your local grocery store? They're small, colorful and simply adorable. This weekend I decided to purchase a pack for the family and thought I'd give them a try. I will be posting photos later since my computer is acting up and I am blogging from my phone. For starters, these cupcakes are very tiny. They can be devoured in a bite or two. Being a frosting lover, I licked the frosting first and found it was very tasty. Nothing entirely special, but it was a nice flavor. I took a bite out of the cupcake and was hit with a mouthful of sugar. It was overly sweet. One bite and I immediately tasted the strong vanilla flavor of the cake. As far as the overall taste goes, the cake was good but it obviously had a ton of unnecessary sugar. Texture? The cupcake honestly was not as moist or fluffy as a homemade cupcake but it still was good. It had a softness to it that actually made up for all the sugar. Overall, for a store bought, ready to go cupcake, it was good. If I had to be somewhere quick and didn't have time to bake, I would buy these again. Otherwise, I could do without all the sugar.

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