Monday, May 21, 2012

#41 Frozen Cupcake

So it has now been about a month and half since I froze my carrot cake cupcakes. I decided to take out another one and test how well its held up.

Upon first inspection, the cupcake looked fine. It still had its color and appeared to be moist.

I touched the top and found that it felt rather sticky. It was a weird texture and I was kind of skeptical.

I frosted the cupcake with Betty Crocker's Cream Cheese Frosting and it did not go on so smoothly. It could have been the frosting but I think it was because the top was so sticky. It was effect as trying to frost a cupcake that hasn't yet been cooled.

Despite all this, I decided to give the cupcake a try. I was very surprised to find that it was not that bad. In fact, it was actually pretty good. Definitely not as tasty as a freshly made cupcake,  but it still had a great flavor. The inside did not taste sticky like the top felt and it was still moist.

Overall, it'd give it a B. Not a high B, more like a B-. I can't wait to see the effects of a frozen cupcake after 2 months.

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