Tuesday, April 24, 2012

#25 Frozen Cupcakes

About three weeks ago, on post #9, I made carrot cake cupcakes. I wanted to test how moist they would be after being frozen. So I took four and stuck them in the freezer. They have been sitting there, untouched for about three weeks now. 

I decided to take one out to test how its been holding up. I left the other 3 to pull out at a later time.

I let the cupcake defrost for a few hours, probably more time than what was needed but I was not in a rush to devour the cupcake, at least not today.

When I finally got around to it, I used Betty Crocker Cream Cheese Frosting to frost my cupcake.

The end result?

 After three weeks in the freezer, my cupcake was still very tasty. It was still delicious and moist. It didn't have that "fresh out of the oven" yummy-ness to it but it was still very good. Overall, I give it an A. Now to play the waiting game. In a few more weeks I will remove a second cupcake and test how well it holds up after a longer period of freezing time. Keep you posted!

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